
Dr. Ridiculopickulopot

Had never intended to miss with his shot,

But miss with his shot is just where that day led

Can you figure out who that shot got instead?

He started his day fairly well, so he thought,

Got out of his bed and he brewed up a pot

Of icky-black coffee that made his breath stink

From beans that adults always grind up to drink.


But when he got dressed, well he stepped into shoes

With high-heels and sequins! Boy, his feet felt bruised.

He couldn’t get out 'cause his feet were all stuck

And this was the start of his run of bad luck.


So late for his work, with his coffee in hand,

He weaved through the traffic, avoiding cars and

Depressing his horn, driving so carefully fast

By pushing the pedals that braked and that gassed.


To find out what happens next, purchase the book from Amazon or Barnes & Noble!